Client survey rules out your old office: Flexible workplaces conquer the world

Client survey rules out your old office: Flexible workplaces conquer the world

Steen Uno
Your old traditional office is definitely over and out. The future belongs to the spacious, social and flexible workplace that has been dominating every corner of global business in the recent years.
Steen Uno

Steen Uno

The demand for flexible workspaces and workstations is buoyant globally. Still more companies all over the business world prioritize the new modern design of office spaces.

According to the new Client Survey 2017 from, 60 percent of companies which currently are users of serviced offices prefer flexible work spaces and facilities instead of  traditional office space.

Also, the current trend shows that the clients of flexible office workspaces with modern design  tend to longer-term leases. Nearly 20 percent of these companies are now signing the 1-2 year or even longer contracts.

"The industry of flexible workspaces is booming worldwide. Looking at this year’s survey results, we foresee its further growth," Jakob Dalhoff, CEO at, says.

"They are so popular because they are universal and can satisfy almost all business needs. Flexible workspaces allow communication between colleagues irrespective of their rank, which is part of the new corporate culture."

Attractive design

Annually looks at the global developments of serviced offices and coworking spaces. This year, 1054 clients in 25 countries have contributed to the survey, which aims to identify how client preferences and satisfaction, type and length of contract and business needs have changed since 2016.

Convenient locations are becoming an increasingly insistent theme and also a simple demand for the company's choice of serviced and coworking spaces.

Besides rental rates, such factors as attractive office equipment and networking options are significant musts when the company has decided to change to serviced office spaces or other modern coworking facilities.


MatchOffice Survey

"The number of companies that require networking options when choosing new serviced
office spaces, has doubled since 2015," Global Relationship Manager at,
Martin Roerholt says.


"The global increasing demand for networking is one of the key points in our new survey," Martin Roerholt, Global Relationship Manager at, says.

"In fact, the number of respondents who consider this factor to be important or even crucial when choosing new flexible office spaces has doubled since our Client Survey two years ago. Similarly, every 10th office client today trusts in other people's recommendations - that's five times as many as in 2015. "


For the third consecutive year, the client survey of, which operates in more than 100 countries all over the world,  documents an increasing number of larger (+10 employees) companies choosing flexible office spaces.

Today many companies are focusing on lower costs by supplementing a smaller number of permanent employees with freelance or part-time employees and have needs for scalable and flexible work areas and environments.


MatchOffice Survey

Spontaneous co-operation in the common areas support and strengthen important
social relations between clients in shared offices or coworking communities.


Flexible working areas are favored by an overwhelming majority of sole proprietorships and small companies with a maximum of two employees (74.2%).

""Freelancers and startups rather often prefer flexible office opportunities to maintain basic competitiveness while affording a range of facilities that they otherwise wouldn't be able to pay for themselves.

But definitely serviced office spaces are  also a perfect solution for larger companies which depend on a very flexible staff," Martin Roerholt adds. ●


Read the Client Survey: MatchOffice Client Survey 2017

MatchOffice News 2017Client Survey 2017

Read more:
MatchOffice Industry Survey 2017
MatchOffice Client Survey 2016
MatchOffice Client Survey 2015


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